Mommy & Me PT Classes

Have concerns about tummy time or how to help your baby figure out rolling? Worried about whether you child is meeting milestones on time? Need help obtaining optimal positioning using your baby carrier or determining which shoes are most suitable for your toddler’s developing feet? These classes are for you, mama! Mommy & Me PT Classes are designed to bring mamas and their babies together in community, while offering support and guidance. During these classes pediatric physical therapist, Sara Needler, will guide you and your baby through age-appropriate motor skills and answer any questions you have regarding your child's development. Bring a blanket and a few fave toys and come prepared for some therapeutic Mama & baby time. Each class is one hour long. Please be sure to register prior to class, even if dropping-in.

Mommy & Me PT Classes for Infant/Baby

Who: Babies 0-9 months (or not yet crawling) & mama

Where: Antoniotti Chiropractic @ 1820 S. Westnedge Ave.

When: 4th Saturday of every month at 9AM

Cost: $30 per drop-in or $150 for a 6 month session

*Registration required for drop-ins and for 6 month class

Mommy & Me PT Classes for Crawler/Toddler

Who: Babies 9 months-18 months (crawling - walking) & mama

Where: Antoniotti Chiropractic @ 1820 S. Westnedge Ave.

When: 4th Saturday of every month at 10:30AM

Cost: $30 per drop-in or $150 for a 6 month session

* Registration required; enrollment is fluid and child can switch from infant to toddler class as appropriate

* Please note that classes have been recently switched from the 2nd to the 4th Saturday of each month. Older marketing materials may reflect the previous schedule.