Motor Milestone Developmental Guides

  • Tummy Time

    All moms know that tummy time is important but getting our babies to tolerate it and understanding the ‘why’ isn’t as well known.

  • Rolling

    Rolling typically occurs around 3-4 months. On belly, baby should demonstrate sufficient neck strength allowing baby to lift head off floor while pressing on forearms (prone on elbows) which can then initiate the roll onto back.

  • Sitting

    Sitting typically occurs around 6 months after baby has gained sufficient neck and core strength to hold baby upright. Baby will begin sitting in an “anterior prop” position, leaning forward with hands on floor.

  • Crawling

    Crawling occurs around 10 months. Crawling on all fours is an important milestone that helps builds baby’s strength but also helps develop coordination and dissociation, both of which help with other developmental skills like walking and even reading.

  • Standing

    Independent standing is a perquisite for walking, requiring adequate core, hip and calf strength. Babies typically learn to stand and then plop down on those cushioned bottoms before taking their first steps. Standing requires strength and balance.

  • Walking

    Walking typically occurs anywhere from 12-18 months after a toddler has had adequate practice cruising along furniture and standing & plopping. Toddlers need adequate strength and balance to achieve independent walking. Walking will look more like a toddle for the first 6 mo- 1 year and will continue to mature for years later.

In the midst of movement and chaos keep stillness inside of you.

~Deepak Chopra